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Explore CryoLogyx - The problem we are solving

The Challenge

Cryopreservation, the science of preserving biological materials at ultra-low temperatures, is a cornerstone of modern science. It enables the long-term storage of cells to prevent phenotypic drift associated with continuous culture and allows the distribution of standardized cells around the globe (1). Cryoprotectants are required to reduce the cold stress induced by cryopreservation, which can result in cell death (2). Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has been the gold standard cryoprotectant for decades. As cells dehydrate during cryopreservation, DMSO permeates cells to prevent excessive cell shrinkage by replacing lost water and can also minimise osmotic shock. However, traditional cryoprotectants have their limitations – they are unable to cryopreserve cells adhered to tissue culture plastic. Typically, less than 30% of cells are recovered after freeze/thaw, and assay-compromising residual cell debris is present (3). CryoLogyx is set to transform the storage and distribution of 2- and 3-dimensional cell models enabled by CryoShield™, a revolutionary macromolecular cryoprotectant.

Our Solution

Introducing the revolutionary solution: pre-plated cryopreserved cells in microplates, powered by CryoShield™, that are truly Assay Ready. Adherent cells in industry-standard microplates are conveniently stored in a -80°C freezer until required for use. Once thawed, cells are ready for the desired application in just 24 hours, eliminating the need for time-consuming and resource-intensive cell culture and biomedical testing procedures. In other words, cell biologists no longer need to spend time routinely handling and maintaining cell lines or to spend 1–3 weeks establishing a new one. CryoLogyx products are designed to redirect researchers' valuable time toward more productive and value-adding research-based activities related to their assays. 

This innovation addresses the longstanding challenge and perception that cells cannot be efficiently stored and distributed when adhered to microplates. How have we achieved this? Decades of research in cryopreservation have enabled us to produce a synthetic polyampholyte, the key ingredient in CryoShield™. CryoShield™ significantly enhances post-thaw cell yield and viability, achieving remarkable rates of up to 100%, whereas DMSO alone typically yields 10–50% viability post-thaw (1).


(1) Tomás, R. M. F.; Bissoyi, A.; Congdon, T. R.; Gibson, M. I.  Assay-Ready Cryopreserved Cell Monolayers Enabled by Macromolecular  Cryoprotectants. Biomacromolecules 2022, 23 (9),  3948–3959.

(2) Mazur, P.; Leibo, S. P.; Chu, E. H. Y. A Two-Factor  Hypothesis of Freezing Injury. Evidence from Chinese Hamster Tissue-Culture  Cells. Exp Cell Res 1972, 71 (2), 345–355. 

(3) Pless-Petig, G.; Knoop, S.; Rauen, U. Serum- and  Albumin-Free Cryopreservation of Endothelial Monolayers with a New Solution. Organogenesis 2018, 14 (2), 107–121.