PlateReady™ A549

A549 is a well characterised cell line that has been widely used to model lung cancer and type II alveolar epithelium. The efficacy of drug therapies and delivery systems can be determined utilising A549 cells. PlateReady™ A549 Well Plates are compatible with all major assays 24 hours after thawing.

Over 80% cell viability is expected post-thaw, with cells retaining healthy morphology.

  • PlateReady™ A549 96 Well Plates contain adherent human lung carcinoma epithelial cells cryopreserved directly adhered to 96 well plates with the use of CryoLogyx’s patented CryoShield™ formulation.

  • PlateReady™ A549 Well Plates are provided at three different confluency levels:
    Low: < 30% surface coverage.

    Medium: 40 – 60% cell surface coverage.

    High: > 70% cell surface coverage.

  • 24 Well

    96 Well

  • A5490096PSCLHIG - High confluency, 96 microplate

    A5490096PSCLMID - Medium confluency, 96 microplate

    A5490096PSCLLOW - Low confluency, 96 microplate

    A5490024PSCLHIG - High confluency, 24 microplate

    A5490024PSCLMID - Medium confluency, 24 microplate

    A5490024PSCLLOW - Low confluency, 24 microplate

  • -80°C Freezer. Use by the expiry date on the packaging.

  • F-12K Medium (Kaighn's Modification of Ham's F-12 Medium) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotic-antimyotic solution (optional).

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